Toronto Cyberbullying Lawyers
We Help Our Clients Seek the Justice They Deserve. Call (844) 342-5575 Today.
Cyber bullying is a common occurrence among middle school and high school students throughout the country.
Cyberbullying involves the use of information technology like computers, cell phones, or social media to:
- Threaten
- Harass
- Or humiliate another individual
Some teens refer to cyberbullying as:
- Hating
- Trolling
- Or drama
Cyberbullying charges can result in significant penalties and punishments for the accused. If you have been a victim of cyberbullying, you should immediately consult with our lawyers.
Are you or your child experiencing cyberbullying? Reach out to our experienced team online to schedule your case review with our experienced cyberbullying lawyers in Toronto.
What Are the Different Types of Cyber Bullying?
Cyberbullying does not necessarily have to involve threats of physical violence. In fact, social media posts or shared images meant to humiliate or damage the reputation of a person can be considered an act of cyberbullying. Publicizing personal or confidential information online or through other technological means also constitutes cyber bullying.
Examples of cyber bullying include:
- Posting embarrassing or offensive videos of someone online
- Using email or text messages to threaten someone
- Hacking a person’s social media account and making derogatory or embarrassing posts
- Using a cell phone to transmit offensive, personal, or confidential information about someone
- Posing as someone else online for the purpose of doing harm
- Using technology to encourage or pressure others to exclude someone from an online or offline community or group
What Are the Possible Punishments for Cyberbullying?
Depending on the circumstances and frequency of the cyberbullying, the person responsible for the bullying can be charged with the following offences:
- Child Pornography
- Criminal Harassment
- Counselling Suicide
- Defamatory Libel
- Extortion
- False Messages
- Identity Fraud
- Incitement of Hatred
- Intimidation
- Mischief
- Unauthorized Use of a Computer
- Uttering Threats
Because of the increase of online bullying cases, some provinces have introduced legislation to combat the growing issue.
Cyberbullying Laws & Legislation in Canada
Examples of cyberbullying legislation include:
- Alberta’s Education Act
- Manitoba’s The Cyberbullying Prevention Act
- New Brunswick’s Education Act
- Ontario’s Education Act
- Quebec’s Act to Prevent and Stop Bullying and Violence in Schools
Talk to Our Lawyers Today
At JEWELL RADIMISIS JORGE LLP, our team of lawyers is well known for our results and 90+years of collective experience. We offer professional legal services and have the resources you will need to make your case successful. Let us defend your rights today!
Contact our Toronto team of cyberbullying lawyers to schedule your case review.
"We want to thank Tina and the JRJ staff for the time and effort they gave to our case since they first started working on it in 2016."
M, J, and R -
"I would recommend Darcie to anyone!"
HD -
"Never could I have imagined the results that Tina obtained for me in my case. She has surpassed all expectations I have had."
Tina Radimisis, LL.B.,BA Partner
Michelle Jorge, LL.B.,BA (Hons) Partner
Peter Galway, LL.B., BA Associate
Ryan St. Aubin, LL.B., BA (Hons) Associate
Felicia Moutinho, LL.B., BA (Hons) Associate
Thomas Dugas, J.D., BCom Associate
Natascha Coverdale, J.D., BA (Hons) Associate
Yusra Khalid, LL.M., LL.B., GPLLM Associate
Katerina Krasnyanskaya, LL.B., BA (Hons) Associate
Paul Jewell, QC Founding Partner
Creative & Customized Counsel
Track Record of Courtroom Success
24 Hour Emergency Hotline
Fluent in Multiple Languages
No Upfront Lawyer Fees
90+ Years of Collective Experience
Whether you have questions or you’re ready to get started, our legal team is ready to help. Complete our form below or call us at (844) 342-5575.