When you are involved in a collision and have advised your insurer, they will likely have sent you a series of forms. This can be sent either by mail or email.
It is in your best interest to speak to a lawyer to discuss the forms and assist you with completing them because the OCF-2 form may either entitle or disentitle you to income replacement benefits.
Without a completed and signed OCF-1, the insurer has no legal obligation to pay you any income replacement benefits after a collision. Thus, the onus is on the injured claimant to seek these benefits.
Aside from the importance of completion, the OCF-2 form must be completed if you were working at the time of the collision and your injuries have impacted your ability to work and receive income.
Income replacement benefit entitlement period starts 7 days after your collision. They are calculated on a weekly basis, and up to a maximum of $400 per week. The income replacement benefits intend to compensate a person who, within 104 weeks or 2 years after the collision, suffers a substantial inability to perform the essential tasks of their employment. The test changes after the 104 week mark.
If you have suffered injuries as a result of a collision, you are entitled to commencing an Accident Benefit claim. We encourage you to contact us for a free consultation.