When you are involved in a collision and have advised your insurer, they will likely have sent you a series of forms.
The first and most pertinent form is called an OCF-1 Application for Accident Benefits. This can be sent either by mail or email.
It is in your best interest to speak to a lawyer to discuss the forms and assist you with completing them because the OCF-1 form is the first form required to commence an Accident Benefit claim and may either entitle or disentitle you to benefits.
Without a completed and signed OCF-1, the insurer has no legal obligation to pay you anything after a collision. Thus, the onus is on the injured claimant to seek benefits.
Aside from the importance of completion, the OCF-1 application also must be submitted within 30 days of having received the Accident Benefit package from the insurer and you have 7 days after the collision to report it to your insurer.
If you have suffered permanent impairments/injuries as a result of a collision, you are entitled to commencing an Accident Benefit claim. If you or someone you know haw been injured, we encourage you to contact us for a free consultation.