
Navigating Ontario Collision Reporting Online

Reporting a car accident

In Ontario, you are required to report a collision to the police or a collision reporting centre if:

  • The damage exceeds $2,000 (combined for all vehicles involved).
  • There are any injuries or fatalities.
  • There is damage to public or private property.
  • A driver fails to remain at the scene.

You can now report your accident to a collision reporting centre from your mobile device/PC region wide.

Step one is calling the non-emergency line at 1-866-876-5423. A police communicator will be able to determine if your accident can be reported online and will assign you an incident number. Keep this number as you will have to share this incident number with all other motorists involved.

Step two is gathering necessary information to submit the online report. This may include photographs of the damage, driver licenses, insurance slips, and proof of ownership. Make sure to have a valid email address and include as much detail as possible. File attachments must be pdf, jpg, jpeg, png or tif formats only. The files must be 25mb in size or less.

Step three is completing the online report.

Step four is waiting for the Police to respond to you within three business days.

This process will prevent you from having to wait in line at the collision reporting centre. Remember that not reporting a reportable collision can result in fines, demerit points, and issues with insurance claims. If you encounter legal complications or disputes, consider consulting with a lawyer who specializes in motor vehicle accidents.

Accidents are stressful, but knowing the proper steps to take can make a significant difference. By understanding when and how to report a collision in Ontario, you can ensure that you comply with the law, protect your rights, and facilitate a smoother insurance claims process.

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