How Do You Begin a Car Accident Claim?
When it comes to commencing an Accident Benefits claim, the insurance company requires certain forms to be completed.
Questions about car accident claims and settlements? Call our firm today at (844) 342-5575 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation!
What Is An OCF-1 form?
OCF-1 form is an Application for Accident Benefits. When you are applying for benefits for the first time as a result of an accident, including if you are injured and are applying for benefits. An OCF-1 form must be returned within 30 days after receiving the package from the insurance company.
What is An OCF-2 form?
An OCF-2 form is an Employer’s Confirmation of Income. This needs to be completed by you or your representative and by your employer. If the insurance company asks for proof of income, you should provide this to your employer for completion. If you have had more than one employer during the past 52 weeks, it may be necessary to have an OCF-2 form completed for each employer.
What Is An OCF-3 form?
An OCF-3 form is a Disability Certificate. This needs to be completed by your health practitioner:
- Chiropractor
- Dentist
- Occupational therapist
- Nurse practitioner
- Optometrist
- Physician
- Physiotherapist
- Speech-language pathologist
- Psychologist
This form is used to provide a medical diagnosis and also provide a medical opinion regarding your ability to perform your activities of daily living.
If you have been involved in a collision, you will likely require the completion of these forms.
If you or a loved one have been injured in a collision, you may be entitled to compensation. Give us a call at JEWELL RADIMISIS JORGE LLP at 1-844-DIAL-JRJ or contact us online and a member of our team will be happy to assist you.