
Easter Weekend


This upcoming weekend will pose a stark contrast to Easters of the past. This Easter parishners will be forced to stay indoors –no family gatherings and no Easter mass.

Normally, Easter is a religious holiday that includes Good Friday mass as well as Easter Sunday mass. The Catholic Church has sought ways to ensure that the Catholic population may continue to partake in the religious ceremonies using technology. Other Christian Churches have found similar ways to enjoy the Easter mass.

Premier Doug Ford, also sought to bring Easter cheer to children in Ontario by declaring the Easter bunny an essential service. Children in Ontario have been home as a result of COVID-19 for the last three weeks.

Premier Ford has also urged families celebrating Easter, Passover, and Ramadan this weekend to do so with the family they live with and are currently quarantining with. This of course includes egg hunts.

All playgrounds, parks, and outdoor amenities remain closed. Although long weekends tend to create foot traffic in these areas, it is essential that Canadians remember that COVID-19 is still an ongoing and increasing issue. On Wednesday, April 8, the highest number of COVID-19 cases in Ontario was reported.

Please stay safe during this quarantine, from everyone at JEWELL RADIMISIS JORGE LLP.

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